October 2019 support of education

Thank you for your kindness. Several students have had urgent needs to cover medical expenses. We were also able to use your gift to visit and encourage several students. [foogallery id=”222″]

September 2019 Giving Update

Thanks for the food, soap, and shoes Great news! The older lady you whom we built the house has six kids got food, soap, and cooking oil. Another family also received extra food. David, Nish, Pretty and Stephen got shoes to attend school. Thank you. – Vincent of Kassanda Children’s AID [foogallery id=”219″]

August 2019 Giving Update

Thanks for the helping girls not miss classes A big shout of thanks to Host1Help1 for organizing to help our young ladies have 3 months supply of pads. Lack of pads is one major reason girls miss many days of schooling which causes them to underperform. It was so helpful and others said that their … Read more